Thursday, September 8, 2011

33 Weeks and 5 Days Pregnant!

I hadn't realized it's been so long since I posted! I've been very busy lately. I go to the doctor every 2 weeks now, and my next appointment is in 6 days. Everything has been good lately though, no more hospital stays!

I'm still working my usual 3 days a week, and now when I'm not working, I'm working on school work online. I'm taking 2 classes, college algebra and general psychology, and I've been working my butt off. Classes started two days ago, and I've gotten such a great head start in math already! I've completed almost half of the work for the semester already and my grade in the class is 99%. I don't have anything due in the class for over a month! Math comes easy to me though, and the way the class is set up, it's really very easy to get a perfect score in the class. Psychology is going good also, but I think I'm going to need to buy the book for the class and I was hoping I didn't have to. It's such a waste of money and usually I don't use the books I buy unless work is coming directly out of the book (which for this class, it's not). But I think I'll need it to just study. Ugh.

My baby shower was supposed to be August 27, but guess what? Hurricane Irene decided to ruin it! We were still planning on having it since the hurricane wasn't supposed to really hit till later on in the evening, but everyone was cancelling on us. Funny thing is, it was all the family that was cancelling, not my friends. My mom has tried rescheduling it for September 24, nearly an entire month later, but a bunch of people are telling us now that they can't make it. It's making me really mad. They all cancelled on us because of the hurricane and they won't even come to it when it's rescheduled. What's the point in having a baby shower at all if no one wants to come? It's so rude. I'm supposed to be excited to have a baby shower but it's been nothing but hell for me. I want to just say forget it, but there are a few friends who have bought presents already that plan on coming. Oh, and the cake (which was delicious), still had to be delivered on that day. So we were stuck with a big cake that I'm sure my mom paid out the ass for.

I also started parent education classes. I had originally signed up for an infant CPR class, which was this past friday, and a childbirth education course on Saturdays, 10am - 12:30pm for 4 weeks, but I found out less than a week before the childbirth education classes started that not enough people had signed up and the class was cancelled. The lady went ahead and put my name on the list for Tuesday classes instead, from 7pm - 9:30pm. I don't mind that, but I wanted the Saturday classes because the hospital where the classes are is an hour away from where we live and I work till 5 on Tuesdays. Also, my boyfriend is taking the classes with me and he's supposed to get off at 5 too, but the time he gets off work is never guaranteed and sometimes he gets off late. There have been times when he's gotten home from work at 9 pm. So needless to say, it's extremely difficult to take a Tuesday class. And if he gets off work late, it's stressful having to rush to the hospital for the class driving through rush hour traffic. We made it to the first class two days ago 5 minutes late, but we made it and they hadn't started yet. I hope the next three classes go smoothly.

44 days left! Can't believe it!!!