Sunday, August 14, 2011

30 Weeks and 1 Day Pregnant!

Counting down now! Finally in week 30, and I only have 7-10 more weeks to go! My last doctors appointment after the unexpected hospital experience went good, my cervix is closed up, firm, and the baby is high up in my abdomen. No sign that he's trying to come any time soon. My doctor said he doesn't even know why they hooked me up to the monitors in the first place. I was only there for a shot. Oh well. My next routine appointment is tomorrow actually, I'm sure everything will be fine. Other than that nothing has been going on. I need to start looking for a car. I need one before he gets here. I have one, but it has tons of miles on it and it's 2 door which won't be any good for a baby. I need a more reliable car that's more family friendly. I got a 3D/4D ultrasound yesterday! It was awesome. I think he looks like his daddy. He opened up his eyes for us! We also caught him reaching down to his little boy parts. Justttt like his daddy :) He kept making squinty faces. He already has eyebrows and eyelashes, but no hair. That doesn't surprise me. I'm expecting a bald baby. I was bald, and I've heard that having bad heartburn means having a baby with hair. I've had almost none. And that's actually a proven fact, not just an old wives tale. Oh well, at least I'm not having a girl. If I was I might be a little disappointed that I wouldn't be able to put little ribbons and bows in her hair! Here's a picture from the ultrasound :)

And here's my 30 week belly!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hospital Scare Yesterday..

This may get a little graphic. FYI. So in my last post I mentioned I was getting my rhogam shot Wednesday. Yesterday, I headed up to the hospital to get it done. When they called me back to the room they hooked my belly up to those monitors I guess to measure the baby's heart and contractions. Like they do when you go to give birth. I don't know why they did that, but it was cool that I got to listen to my baby's heart again :) Then they said they were going to draw some blood to make sure I was rh negative and I needed the shot. She told me that after that was done, they would send me back out to the waiting room to wait for my shot. However, that didn't happen. Instead, another girl came in later, looked at my monitor, and told me they might have to check me because I was having a lot of little contractions. I didn't feel anything! She asked me if I had sex the previous night and when the last time I had sex was, which was about a week ago. She said she was going to take some cultures too, just in case, and that since my cervix was so sensitive and I have much more blood going through my body now, I might notice a little bleeding. That didn't surprise me because at my first doctors visit after getting all those initial tests done down there, I had some spotting that night. But then she started asking me if I had ever noticed having any bleeding or spotting, she asked double checked that the last time I had sex was a week ago, asked if the only person I had sex with was with my boyfriend, and if I was the only person he had sex with. Then she asked me if I had ever been told I had placenta previa..which I haven't. She told the other girl in the room that I was bleeding more than a bleeder. I noticed her sticking gauze up there and pulling it out fully soaked with blood. When it slowed down some, she pulled out the speculum, and that's when I felt a big gush of blood come out. I was scared. I came for a simple shot and here I was having all these complications. Then she checked me..and I wasn't dilated at all. Thats good. They left and a third girl came in a little later and said they were going to move me, so I got up and she walked me over to a birthing room. I laid on the bed there and she left. I had no idea what was going on. I was just told I was having contractions, I'm bleeding like I'm on my period, and now I'm in a birthing room??!? Are you kidding me? And I should mention that while I was in the other room, one of the times I was waiting for a nurse to come in, I started freaking out a little. I don't know why, but all of a sudden I got really hot and started sweating, and a little dizzy. That passed after a few minutes. But it scared me even more. So, after waiting once again in the birthing room, one of the nurses came in to explain everything to me. She said they were going to keep me for a little while and give me a shot and an IV to try and stop my contractions. So a fourth nurse came in to put in my IV. They left and told me if I needed anything I could give them a call, and I watched a little TV. I called my mom to fill her in (I went to the appointment alone. All I was expecting was a shot..) and asked her to call my boyfriend. I wish I hadn't gone alone. After laying there for a little bit, I noticed I was having some stomach pains. At first I thought it might be gas, but it got a lot worse and wouldnt go away. I thought maybe it was contractions, but it was nonstop pain. Along with that. I was getting hot and sweaty again. So I called a nurse in. I told her what was going on but she didn't really do anything to stop it. So after she left, it got worse and worse. I'm pretty good with pain, but this pain had me moaning and wiggling around in bed. I called her in again and said it was getting worse and it was really bad and she said my usual doctor was going to come in to see me. After she left, I sat up because laying down was extremely uncomfortable, and the pain went away. It was there for a good half hour. So I finally got to relax and I even dozed off a little. She came in a little while later to check in, I told her the pain stopped, and she said the medicine they gave me raises your heart rate some and could be the reason why I was getting so hot. That was also when she gave me the shot I was there in the first place for. Finally my doctor made it in, asked me some questions, and asked me to come back today at 1:30 for a little check up. Everyone seemed confused because seriously, I have felt perfectly fine. The baby's been moving around a lot, his heart beat was strong and healthy, and I saw my doctor just 7 days before that and everything was just fine. Now I was FINALLY able to go home. But it was a very interesting and unexpected day. I go back to see him in two hours. Hope all is good! Oh, and along with all that drama, I had an english final that night. So after I left, I grabbed food and went home to prepare for it, then went to class, and after class I had to finish writing two essays that were due by midnight. My doctor told me to take it easy. Now I finally can. I just have one more biology final tonight...