Sunday, August 14, 2011

30 Weeks and 1 Day Pregnant!

Counting down now! Finally in week 30, and I only have 7-10 more weeks to go! My last doctors appointment after the unexpected hospital experience went good, my cervix is closed up, firm, and the baby is high up in my abdomen. No sign that he's trying to come any time soon. My doctor said he doesn't even know why they hooked me up to the monitors in the first place. I was only there for a shot. Oh well. My next routine appointment is tomorrow actually, I'm sure everything will be fine. Other than that nothing has been going on. I need to start looking for a car. I need one before he gets here. I have one, but it has tons of miles on it and it's 2 door which won't be any good for a baby. I need a more reliable car that's more family friendly. I got a 3D/4D ultrasound yesterday! It was awesome. I think he looks like his daddy. He opened up his eyes for us! We also caught him reaching down to his little boy parts. Justttt like his daddy :) He kept making squinty faces. He already has eyebrows and eyelashes, but no hair. That doesn't surprise me. I'm expecting a bald baby. I was bald, and I've heard that having bad heartburn means having a baby with hair. I've had almost none. And that's actually a proven fact, not just an old wives tale. Oh well, at least I'm not having a girl. If I was I might be a little disappointed that I wouldn't be able to put little ribbons and bows in her hair! Here's a picture from the ultrasound :)

And here's my 30 week belly!

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