Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Baby Naming DRAMA!

Times like these I wish I was having a girl. My boyfriend and I had a name picked out for a girl that we BOTH liked. Unfortunately it's not a girl, and we can't agree on a boy name. In the beginning when we first discussed names, when I asked my boyfriend what he would want to name his son or daughter, he said his son after his dad, or his daughter what his parents would have named him if he were a girl. No thought to it whatsoever. And I personally didn't like either name. Then at some point I'm not aware of, we agreed that I would choose the girl name and he would choose the boy name. Without coming to an agreement he told his dad if we had a boy we'd name it after him, and he got really excited. Now that pissed me off, because I never agreed to it and when I told him I didn't want to name my son after his dad, I knew they'd both be disappointed. I couldn't be more right. Now, no name is good enough. He only likes that one name. He can't agree on anything with me. Now tell me if I'm wrong, but it's OUR son right? We should BOTH be agreeing on what to name him. If his dad is getting disappointed because we aren't naming our son after him, why didn't he name HIS son after him? After all, this isn't his kid. So now baby daddy and I are arguing nonstop about it. When it comes down to it, when the baby is born I'll be the one that chooses the name to go on the birth certificate and I even get to choose whose last name he gets since the father and I are not married. So once again tell me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be easier if he just helped me pick out a name we BOTH like? If not, I'll pick the name myself and maybe even give him my last name. I'm done venting now.

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