Wednesday, July 20, 2011

26 Weeks and 4 Days Pregnant!

Time is flying by. Not much has changed since my last update. The only thing new this week is my back pain. It's every day! Sitting in a chair for a long time makes it hurt. I can only sleep in certain positions to avoid it hurting. It's getting harder to work on the baby's room since it involves a lot of moving stuff around...I don't want to have someone else do it though! I don't like being incapable of doing things. I don't like being dependent on other people. But I'm not even that big yet so I'm sure my back pain won't be going away any time soon. It'll probably get worse. My next appointment is in a week and I'll be having the glucose test done. I think I'll be fine :) School is getting more difficult, I'm just ready for this semester to be 2 weeks. English is ridiculous. I'm tired of writing so many essays. I'm falling a little behind in that class but my teacher allows extensions on assignments if you need them. Still, its piling up. Biology is still great though. A's and B's on everything. I had to miss class yesterday though because of my back. I had been at work all day sitting in a chair and class was right after work for 2 1/2 hours sitting in a chair some more, and like I said, it hurts sitting in a chair for so long. Class the night before was horrible because my back hurt and I couldn't lay down or anything. I'll be glad when class is over and this baby is here. My baby shower is finally getting planned! I'm working on making a list and my mom and my friend are working on everything else. It's going to be pretty small because I've never had many girl friends. Everyone around here is so fake and full of drama. So ever since like, sophomore year of high school I've kept to myself. I don't like getting involved in all that. And it's worked great! I don't know much about it, but I do know my mom is going to get me an awesome cake. She's getting the same people who did her wedding cake to do it. I only know this because we work together, and when she's not there they like to have me check her email. And bam, there it was. I guess she's not too worried about keeping it a surprise! I'll update next week :) 94 days <3

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