Wednesday, July 6, 2011

24 Weeks and 4 Days Pregnant!

108 days left! This week isn't much different from last week. People are finally starting to notice my belly! I haven't had any strangers say anything, but my friends sure are. One called me fat :( but I know I'm far from it. I'm all belly...and butt. And I think I'm getting stretch marks even though I've only gained 6 pounds. And they're not on my belly, they're right on my rear end. Lovely...I can deal with that as long as they don't spread. As long as no one can see them! I'm going to try walking more or maybe starting yoga up so I can stay somewhat fit. Also going to try drinking more water..maybe it'll help with the elasticity of my skin. I do have cocoa butter stuff but I've heard that it doesn't help prevent stretch marks it only helps relieve the discomfort associated with stretch marks. If you're gonna get them, you're gonna get them. And it's more hereditary than anything. But we will see. School is still going good, english is horrible but I've never been very good at it. Biology is awesome though. I have a 98% in the class for the semester so far and it's halfway over! Keepin' it up :) I have a belly picture this week! Just about at 6 months now, and my second trimester is almost over! It seems like no one can agree on when the trimesters begin and end, or the months. Some say a month is 4 weeks long, and if that's the case I'm already 6 months pregnant. I count my months from the 15th of each month (January 15 was the first day of my LMP, and technically the first day of my pregnancy). And since a pregnancy is considered 9 months long, a trimester is 3 months long, so if I'll be 6 months pregnant on July 15 (at 25 weeks 6 days), then my third trimester will begin July 16, when my 7th month begins and my 27th week begins (I also count weeks the way they should be counted. I'm 24 weeks and 4 days pregnant now, and in my 25th week. That means I am a FULL 24 weeks and I am IN my 25th week). It just so happens that July 15 is also my boyfriends 21st birthday, which I am not excited for. I'll be 6 months pregnant waddling around, doing nothing but work and school, and he'll be out drinking. Fun fun. I hope he doesn't expect me to wake up at 2 am to pick him up from a bar when he's too drunk to drive. That won't happen. Ever. Anyway, here's my belly :)

1 comment:

  1. hiya came across your blog...
    i am 24 weeks and 4 days today, my lmp was the 15th jan as well..
    im so excited to be a mom, my lil girl is kicking and rolling around, ive also been called fat by my friends :(
    although im still fitter and healthier than most of them and im pregnant!!!!
    my belly is slowly getting rounder and my bellybutton is gonna pop out soon!!
    good luck if you havent had your baby and congrats if you have and im reading this a few years later lol
    kelly and eden-willow
