Sunday, July 31, 2011

28 Weeks and 1 Day Pregnant!

Technically, for those who consider 1 month to equal 4 weeks, I'm 7 months! But I don't go by that. So I consider myself 6 1/2 months. Officially in the third trimester! I had my 6th doctors appointment this past Wednesday and had my glucose test done. I haven't heard from the doctor so I'm assuming the test results came back good! Also made an appointment to get the rhogam shot this Wednesday when I'm 28 weeks and 4 days. I do pretty good with needles but I'm not sure how I feel about's been a while since I've had one. I'm sure it's not the same as getting blood drawn. So I'm kind of not excited for that. Technically, my baby could safely come in just 9 weeks! I have so much to do still. My boyfriend and I started looking at apartments yesterday even though it'll probably be a little while before we move. I don't think he has a very good sense of how much money he'll be able to toss out on a place. I won't be much help, because I NEED to get a new car so I'll have a car payment. Plus, if he's paying for our place, I won't mind paying some bills. Then again I don't know how long I'll be out of work or if I'll even want to go back. I think it'd be easiest on me if I didn't work and just went to school so I can get a real career going for me..something I want to do. This past summer with working and taking classes has been crazy stressful and with a baby it won't be any easier. But in reality, I highly doubt I'll be able to skip out on work for longer than 6 weeks after the baby comes. 83 days left! I'll post a belly picture next week.

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