Wednesday, June 1, 2011

19 Weeks and 5 Days Pregnant!

Almost halfway there!!!! So right now it's 12:04 am...technically it's Thursday. Yesterday morning I had my fourth prenatal visit, and everything looked good! My blood pressure was 90/60, which I think is a little low? But he said it was good and I was told when you're pregnant you can get high blood pressure, so it's a good thing that mine's low now. My weight is 125 pounds. Aren't I supposed to be gaining some decent weight by now? At my first appointment I weighed 126 and I was 8 weeks pregnant. My second appointment I was 12 weeks and my weight hadn't changed. Third appointment at 16 weeks I had LOST 2 pounds..I was at 124. Now at 20 weeks I've gained one pound and I'm at 125. but overall, I've lost one pound. My doctor isn't concerned. he never mentioned anything about it. And since there's no real weight in the baby now (he isn't even a pound yet), anddd since he's getting all the nutrients he needs from me, he's fine. I'm not eating junk 24/7 (I've never really had bad eating habits. I've never been a fan of sweets, I HATE soda, and water is all I ever really drank), I'm taking my prenatal vitamins (though I may miss a day every now and then. I was never good at taking pills daily, hence the reason why I'm in this position!), and I've always had a small figure. I kind of think of the baby as a parasite right now. Sounds bad, but if you think about belly has gotten bigger, my boobs have gotten bigger, and my feet have gotten bigger (I was a size 8, now I'm 8 1/2 wide. That was a slight problem when we needed shoes for my mom's wedding and the shoes we ordered didn't fit me anymore!). So where's my weight going?! Oh well, no worries :) My next appointment is June 29 when I'm 24 weeks. Time is going by SO fast now! But I'm so ready for my little boy to be here! I ordered his bedding set the other day and I'm expecting it any day now. I ordered it from amazon because 1) there's always a much wider selection online. and 2) SO much cheaper! The theme is frogs :) it's adorable! And guess what? Baby daddy and I have ACTUALLY agreed on a name! I'm not going to reveal it yet, but his initials will either be AJT or AJK. I haven't decided whose last name he's getting. We haven't decided on a middle name but we're torn between two that begin with J. One of them is his fathers and his fathers fathers middle name. The other is just one we like that has a better ring to it. So it's basically deciding whether or not we want to follow tradition or make our own path. I'll post a belly picture next week and maybe make a video since its been 2 months since I have. 142 days left <3

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