Monday, June 20, 2011

22 Weeks and 3 Days Pregnant!

Wow, my belly has exploded in the past two weeks! Well not really I guess, but I sure can tell the difference! I'm rounder and every morning when I wake up I feel like it grew over night. Doubt that, but it feels like it! I'll post a picture next week :) I've started taking classes this summer and holy cow, with work and school it seems like I never have time to myself! I'm only taking two classes, and I only work 3 days a week (8.5 hour shifts) but I also have A LOT of homework. My schedule is so packed. But I'm doing good! We've decided on a name, but I'm not sure whose last name he'll get. Baby daddy and I haven't been getting along all. And it feels like it gets worse and worse. But the name we decided on is Aiden John. Aiden is just a mutual name we could both agree on..the ONLY one we could agree on. John is his daddys middle name and his daddys daddys middle name. I agreed to pass something down since I didn't want to name him completely after my boyfriends dad. My next doctors appointment is in 8 days. I think it'll be a boring one, just checking all the usual things. I want to see him again! When I'm 7-8 months pregnant I decided to get a 3d/4d ultrasound. I heard you can actually tell what the baby looks like..can't wait! I finally started gaining weight like I'm supposed to! About a pound a week it seems, maybe a little less. At my last appointment I was 125 lbs, and when I weighed myself a few days ago I was 128. But I weighed myself in the morning and I was 127. Your weight is always less in the morning. so in the past 20 days I've gained about 2 pounds, maybe 3. I think I look like I'm gaining weight all over but I guess other people don't see it. I'm getting complimented more now than I did when I was skinny, and I doubt single guys would try hitting on me if they knew I was 18 and 22 weeks pregnant! Silly boys. Cravings! Nothing really intense or weird, but I seriously eat a cheeseburger every day. And I love to eat ice cream now and I never ate it before! Maybe once a month if that, but now I eat it at least 3-4 times a week. And I'm still eating burritos a lot, but burgers have taken over.
Anyway, I'm tired and I need to go pass out. I work in 8 hours, and then I won't have time to myself for another 12 hours. Story of my life.
Love you Aiden John <3 123 days till I see your handsome face! (funny..123. I just noticed that.)

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