Wednesday, June 8, 2011

20 Weeks and 5 Days Pregnant!

Officially halfway there! Things have been pretty easy lately. I haven't been sick, I haven't had heart burn, I've just been comfortable. And I think I'm just now getting to the point where I actually look pregnant. But to someone who doesn't know me, I doubt they'd be able to tell. I still feel movements every now and then but no serious kicks or punches just yet. All my clothes still fit me perfectly! I have a feeling I'll be able to go through this whole pregnancy without buying maternity clothes. Awesome! My next appointment is in 3 weeks. Either at this appointment or the next one I'll have to get a shot since my blood type is O-. Mothers who have rh- blood types get this shot in case the baby has a + blood type so the mothers body doesn't attack the fetus seeing it as a foreigner. Not excited for that. I saw the dentist today. Going in, I knew my gums would probably bleed because I've heard how important good dental hygiene is and how your gums become more swollen due to the increased amount of blood in your body. But it was a LOT worse than I imagined. I haven't gone in a while (maybe a year and a half) so they really had to pick at them. And my being pregnant didn't help. It hurt SO bad! And I tasted blood for like, an hour afterwards. And my mouth was sore for a while. So I got ice cream :) But hey, this pregnancy has been a breeze for me. If dental issues are all I have to deal with than I am one lucky girl.
That's all for this week! And I got a belly shot :) There's a little something but not much! Other girls around my age that are also pregnant but further along were already huge at this point! And I'm just now barely starting to show. It kind of sucks! Never in my life have I ever wanted to gain weight so bad.

Here's ma belly :) And those are my real nails ;)

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