Wednesday, June 29, 2011

23 Weeks and 4 Days Pregnant!

I just got back from my 5th prenatal appointment. It went good, my weight is up to 130 now, my blood pressure was 80/50, and from now on we'll be measuring my belly. You know you're getting close when the doctor starts talking about preterm labor! So I've gained about 6 pounds, about a pound a week like I'm supposed to. I didnt start gaining till just a few weeks ago. My blood pressure gets lower and lower every time I go for my appointment. My mom said dehydration contributes to low BP, so I'm going to try drinking more water. The doctor wasn't concerned though. Looks like I won't be having any high blood pressure problems later on! My measurements were right on target also. Next appointment is July 27, and I'll be 27 weeks and 4 days. I'll be taking my glucose test then, so I have to drink this orange liquid they gave me an hour prior to the test. Oh goody..? I wonder if it tastes good. I think after my next appointment I'll start to go every 2 weeks instead of 4, but I'm not 100% sure when we start doing that. And at some point I'm going to need an rh shot since I'm rh negative, but the doctor didn't say anything about when that would be at this appointment. I always forget to ask these kinds of questions till I'm already gone. After this week, my school semester will be officially halfway over. It FLEW by! And I've surprised myself a lot...I've gotten A's on everything. Hey, if this full time employee part time student thing is working for me and I'm doing well at it, I'll just keep this up until I finally get my RN. It'll take a little while longer, but I'll need the good grades to get in since it's so competitive.

I'll post a belly picture next week. There hasn't been a huge difference..I don't think. 16 weeks and 3 days left! (115 days)

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