Thursday, September 8, 2011

33 Weeks and 5 Days Pregnant!

I hadn't realized it's been so long since I posted! I've been very busy lately. I go to the doctor every 2 weeks now, and my next appointment is in 6 days. Everything has been good lately though, no more hospital stays!

I'm still working my usual 3 days a week, and now when I'm not working, I'm working on school work online. I'm taking 2 classes, college algebra and general psychology, and I've been working my butt off. Classes started two days ago, and I've gotten such a great head start in math already! I've completed almost half of the work for the semester already and my grade in the class is 99%. I don't have anything due in the class for over a month! Math comes easy to me though, and the way the class is set up, it's really very easy to get a perfect score in the class. Psychology is going good also, but I think I'm going to need to buy the book for the class and I was hoping I didn't have to. It's such a waste of money and usually I don't use the books I buy unless work is coming directly out of the book (which for this class, it's not). But I think I'll need it to just study. Ugh.

My baby shower was supposed to be August 27, but guess what? Hurricane Irene decided to ruin it! We were still planning on having it since the hurricane wasn't supposed to really hit till later on in the evening, but everyone was cancelling on us. Funny thing is, it was all the family that was cancelling, not my friends. My mom has tried rescheduling it for September 24, nearly an entire month later, but a bunch of people are telling us now that they can't make it. It's making me really mad. They all cancelled on us because of the hurricane and they won't even come to it when it's rescheduled. What's the point in having a baby shower at all if no one wants to come? It's so rude. I'm supposed to be excited to have a baby shower but it's been nothing but hell for me. I want to just say forget it, but there are a few friends who have bought presents already that plan on coming. Oh, and the cake (which was delicious), still had to be delivered on that day. So we were stuck with a big cake that I'm sure my mom paid out the ass for.

I also started parent education classes. I had originally signed up for an infant CPR class, which was this past friday, and a childbirth education course on Saturdays, 10am - 12:30pm for 4 weeks, but I found out less than a week before the childbirth education classes started that not enough people had signed up and the class was cancelled. The lady went ahead and put my name on the list for Tuesday classes instead, from 7pm - 9:30pm. I don't mind that, but I wanted the Saturday classes because the hospital where the classes are is an hour away from where we live and I work till 5 on Tuesdays. Also, my boyfriend is taking the classes with me and he's supposed to get off at 5 too, but the time he gets off work is never guaranteed and sometimes he gets off late. There have been times when he's gotten home from work at 9 pm. So needless to say, it's extremely difficult to take a Tuesday class. And if he gets off work late, it's stressful having to rush to the hospital for the class driving through rush hour traffic. We made it to the first class two days ago 5 minutes late, but we made it and they hadn't started yet. I hope the next three classes go smoothly.

44 days left! Can't believe it!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

30 Weeks and 1 Day Pregnant!

Counting down now! Finally in week 30, and I only have 7-10 more weeks to go! My last doctors appointment after the unexpected hospital experience went good, my cervix is closed up, firm, and the baby is high up in my abdomen. No sign that he's trying to come any time soon. My doctor said he doesn't even know why they hooked me up to the monitors in the first place. I was only there for a shot. Oh well. My next routine appointment is tomorrow actually, I'm sure everything will be fine. Other than that nothing has been going on. I need to start looking for a car. I need one before he gets here. I have one, but it has tons of miles on it and it's 2 door which won't be any good for a baby. I need a more reliable car that's more family friendly. I got a 3D/4D ultrasound yesterday! It was awesome. I think he looks like his daddy. He opened up his eyes for us! We also caught him reaching down to his little boy parts. Justttt like his daddy :) He kept making squinty faces. He already has eyebrows and eyelashes, but no hair. That doesn't surprise me. I'm expecting a bald baby. I was bald, and I've heard that having bad heartburn means having a baby with hair. I've had almost none. And that's actually a proven fact, not just an old wives tale. Oh well, at least I'm not having a girl. If I was I might be a little disappointed that I wouldn't be able to put little ribbons and bows in her hair! Here's a picture from the ultrasound :)

And here's my 30 week belly!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hospital Scare Yesterday..

This may get a little graphic. FYI. So in my last post I mentioned I was getting my rhogam shot Wednesday. Yesterday, I headed up to the hospital to get it done. When they called me back to the room they hooked my belly up to those monitors I guess to measure the baby's heart and contractions. Like they do when you go to give birth. I don't know why they did that, but it was cool that I got to listen to my baby's heart again :) Then they said they were going to draw some blood to make sure I was rh negative and I needed the shot. She told me that after that was done, they would send me back out to the waiting room to wait for my shot. However, that didn't happen. Instead, another girl came in later, looked at my monitor, and told me they might have to check me because I was having a lot of little contractions. I didn't feel anything! She asked me if I had sex the previous night and when the last time I had sex was, which was about a week ago. She said she was going to take some cultures too, just in case, and that since my cervix was so sensitive and I have much more blood going through my body now, I might notice a little bleeding. That didn't surprise me because at my first doctors visit after getting all those initial tests done down there, I had some spotting that night. But then she started asking me if I had ever noticed having any bleeding or spotting, she asked double checked that the last time I had sex was a week ago, asked if the only person I had sex with was with my boyfriend, and if I was the only person he had sex with. Then she asked me if I had ever been told I had placenta previa..which I haven't. She told the other girl in the room that I was bleeding more than a bleeder. I noticed her sticking gauze up there and pulling it out fully soaked with blood. When it slowed down some, she pulled out the speculum, and that's when I felt a big gush of blood come out. I was scared. I came for a simple shot and here I was having all these complications. Then she checked me..and I wasn't dilated at all. Thats good. They left and a third girl came in a little later and said they were going to move me, so I got up and she walked me over to a birthing room. I laid on the bed there and she left. I had no idea what was going on. I was just told I was having contractions, I'm bleeding like I'm on my period, and now I'm in a birthing room??!? Are you kidding me? And I should mention that while I was in the other room, one of the times I was waiting for a nurse to come in, I started freaking out a little. I don't know why, but all of a sudden I got really hot and started sweating, and a little dizzy. That passed after a few minutes. But it scared me even more. So, after waiting once again in the birthing room, one of the nurses came in to explain everything to me. She said they were going to keep me for a little while and give me a shot and an IV to try and stop my contractions. So a fourth nurse came in to put in my IV. They left and told me if I needed anything I could give them a call, and I watched a little TV. I called my mom to fill her in (I went to the appointment alone. All I was expecting was a shot..) and asked her to call my boyfriend. I wish I hadn't gone alone. After laying there for a little bit, I noticed I was having some stomach pains. At first I thought it might be gas, but it got a lot worse and wouldnt go away. I thought maybe it was contractions, but it was nonstop pain. Along with that. I was getting hot and sweaty again. So I called a nurse in. I told her what was going on but she didn't really do anything to stop it. So after she left, it got worse and worse. I'm pretty good with pain, but this pain had me moaning and wiggling around in bed. I called her in again and said it was getting worse and it was really bad and she said my usual doctor was going to come in to see me. After she left, I sat up because laying down was extremely uncomfortable, and the pain went away. It was there for a good half hour. So I finally got to relax and I even dozed off a little. She came in a little while later to check in, I told her the pain stopped, and she said the medicine they gave me raises your heart rate some and could be the reason why I was getting so hot. That was also when she gave me the shot I was there in the first place for. Finally my doctor made it in, asked me some questions, and asked me to come back today at 1:30 for a little check up. Everyone seemed confused because seriously, I have felt perfectly fine. The baby's been moving around a lot, his heart beat was strong and healthy, and I saw my doctor just 7 days before that and everything was just fine. Now I was FINALLY able to go home. But it was a very interesting and unexpected day. I go back to see him in two hours. Hope all is good! Oh, and along with all that drama, I had an english final that night. So after I left, I grabbed food and went home to prepare for it, then went to class, and after class I had to finish writing two essays that were due by midnight. My doctor told me to take it easy. Now I finally can. I just have one more biology final tonight...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

28 Weeks and 1 Day Pregnant!

Technically, for those who consider 1 month to equal 4 weeks, I'm 7 months! But I don't go by that. So I consider myself 6 1/2 months. Officially in the third trimester! I had my 6th doctors appointment this past Wednesday and had my glucose test done. I haven't heard from the doctor so I'm assuming the test results came back good! Also made an appointment to get the rhogam shot this Wednesday when I'm 28 weeks and 4 days. I do pretty good with needles but I'm not sure how I feel about's been a while since I've had one. I'm sure it's not the same as getting blood drawn. So I'm kind of not excited for that. Technically, my baby could safely come in just 9 weeks! I have so much to do still. My boyfriend and I started looking at apartments yesterday even though it'll probably be a little while before we move. I don't think he has a very good sense of how much money he'll be able to toss out on a place. I won't be much help, because I NEED to get a new car so I'll have a car payment. Plus, if he's paying for our place, I won't mind paying some bills. Then again I don't know how long I'll be out of work or if I'll even want to go back. I think it'd be easiest on me if I didn't work and just went to school so I can get a real career going for me..something I want to do. This past summer with working and taking classes has been crazy stressful and with a baby it won't be any easier. But in reality, I highly doubt I'll be able to skip out on work for longer than 6 weeks after the baby comes. 83 days left! I'll post a belly picture next week.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

26 Weeks and 4 Days Pregnant!

Time is flying by. Not much has changed since my last update. The only thing new this week is my back pain. It's every day! Sitting in a chair for a long time makes it hurt. I can only sleep in certain positions to avoid it hurting. It's getting harder to work on the baby's room since it involves a lot of moving stuff around...I don't want to have someone else do it though! I don't like being incapable of doing things. I don't like being dependent on other people. But I'm not even that big yet so I'm sure my back pain won't be going away any time soon. It'll probably get worse. My next appointment is in a week and I'll be having the glucose test done. I think I'll be fine :) School is getting more difficult, I'm just ready for this semester to be 2 weeks. English is ridiculous. I'm tired of writing so many essays. I'm falling a little behind in that class but my teacher allows extensions on assignments if you need them. Still, its piling up. Biology is still great though. A's and B's on everything. I had to miss class yesterday though because of my back. I had been at work all day sitting in a chair and class was right after work for 2 1/2 hours sitting in a chair some more, and like I said, it hurts sitting in a chair for so long. Class the night before was horrible because my back hurt and I couldn't lay down or anything. I'll be glad when class is over and this baby is here. My baby shower is finally getting planned! I'm working on making a list and my mom and my friend are working on everything else. It's going to be pretty small because I've never had many girl friends. Everyone around here is so fake and full of drama. So ever since like, sophomore year of high school I've kept to myself. I don't like getting involved in all that. And it's worked great! I don't know much about it, but I do know my mom is going to get me an awesome cake. She's getting the same people who did her wedding cake to do it. I only know this because we work together, and when she's not there they like to have me check her email. And bam, there it was. I guess she's not too worried about keeping it a surprise! I'll update next week :) 94 days <3

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

24 Weeks and 4 Days Pregnant!

108 days left! This week isn't much different from last week. People are finally starting to notice my belly! I haven't had any strangers say anything, but my friends sure are. One called me fat :( but I know I'm far from it. I'm all belly...and butt. And I think I'm getting stretch marks even though I've only gained 6 pounds. And they're not on my belly, they're right on my rear end. Lovely...I can deal with that as long as they don't spread. As long as no one can see them! I'm going to try walking more or maybe starting yoga up so I can stay somewhat fit. Also going to try drinking more water..maybe it'll help with the elasticity of my skin. I do have cocoa butter stuff but I've heard that it doesn't help prevent stretch marks it only helps relieve the discomfort associated with stretch marks. If you're gonna get them, you're gonna get them. And it's more hereditary than anything. But we will see. School is still going good, english is horrible but I've never been very good at it. Biology is awesome though. I have a 98% in the class for the semester so far and it's halfway over! Keepin' it up :) I have a belly picture this week! Just about at 6 months now, and my second trimester is almost over! It seems like no one can agree on when the trimesters begin and end, or the months. Some say a month is 4 weeks long, and if that's the case I'm already 6 months pregnant. I count my months from the 15th of each month (January 15 was the first day of my LMP, and technically the first day of my pregnancy). And since a pregnancy is considered 9 months long, a trimester is 3 months long, so if I'll be 6 months pregnant on July 15 (at 25 weeks 6 days), then my third trimester will begin July 16, when my 7th month begins and my 27th week begins (I also count weeks the way they should be counted. I'm 24 weeks and 4 days pregnant now, and in my 25th week. That means I am a FULL 24 weeks and I am IN my 25th week). It just so happens that July 15 is also my boyfriends 21st birthday, which I am not excited for. I'll be 6 months pregnant waddling around, doing nothing but work and school, and he'll be out drinking. Fun fun. I hope he doesn't expect me to wake up at 2 am to pick him up from a bar when he's too drunk to drive. That won't happen. Ever. Anyway, here's my belly :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

23 Weeks and 4 Days Pregnant!

I just got back from my 5th prenatal appointment. It went good, my weight is up to 130 now, my blood pressure was 80/50, and from now on we'll be measuring my belly. You know you're getting close when the doctor starts talking about preterm labor! So I've gained about 6 pounds, about a pound a week like I'm supposed to. I didnt start gaining till just a few weeks ago. My blood pressure gets lower and lower every time I go for my appointment. My mom said dehydration contributes to low BP, so I'm going to try drinking more water. The doctor wasn't concerned though. Looks like I won't be having any high blood pressure problems later on! My measurements were right on target also. Next appointment is July 27, and I'll be 27 weeks and 4 days. I'll be taking my glucose test then, so I have to drink this orange liquid they gave me an hour prior to the test. Oh goody..? I wonder if it tastes good. I think after my next appointment I'll start to go every 2 weeks instead of 4, but I'm not 100% sure when we start doing that. And at some point I'm going to need an rh shot since I'm rh negative, but the doctor didn't say anything about when that would be at this appointment. I always forget to ask these kinds of questions till I'm already gone. After this week, my school semester will be officially halfway over. It FLEW by! And I've surprised myself a lot...I've gotten A's on everything. Hey, if this full time employee part time student thing is working for me and I'm doing well at it, I'll just keep this up until I finally get my RN. It'll take a little while longer, but I'll need the good grades to get in since it's so competitive.

I'll post a belly picture next week. There hasn't been a huge difference..I don't think. 16 weeks and 3 days left! (115 days)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Movement @ 22 Weeks 5 Days :)


In the very beginning he's on the right side, then around 0:50 you see him move over to the left side very quickly. After that you can see small kicks and movement on the right side :) Very small movements but visible! There's definitely a baby in there!

Monday, June 20, 2011

22 Weeks and 3 Days Pregnant!

Wow, my belly has exploded in the past two weeks! Well not really I guess, but I sure can tell the difference! I'm rounder and every morning when I wake up I feel like it grew over night. Doubt that, but it feels like it! I'll post a picture next week :) I've started taking classes this summer and holy cow, with work and school it seems like I never have time to myself! I'm only taking two classes, and I only work 3 days a week (8.5 hour shifts) but I also have A LOT of homework. My schedule is so packed. But I'm doing good! We've decided on a name, but I'm not sure whose last name he'll get. Baby daddy and I haven't been getting along all. And it feels like it gets worse and worse. But the name we decided on is Aiden John. Aiden is just a mutual name we could both agree on..the ONLY one we could agree on. John is his daddys middle name and his daddys daddys middle name. I agreed to pass something down since I didn't want to name him completely after my boyfriends dad. My next doctors appointment is in 8 days. I think it'll be a boring one, just checking all the usual things. I want to see him again! When I'm 7-8 months pregnant I decided to get a 3d/4d ultrasound. I heard you can actually tell what the baby looks like..can't wait! I finally started gaining weight like I'm supposed to! About a pound a week it seems, maybe a little less. At my last appointment I was 125 lbs, and when I weighed myself a few days ago I was 128. But I weighed myself in the morning and I was 127. Your weight is always less in the morning. so in the past 20 days I've gained about 2 pounds, maybe 3. I think I look like I'm gaining weight all over but I guess other people don't see it. I'm getting complimented more now than I did when I was skinny, and I doubt single guys would try hitting on me if they knew I was 18 and 22 weeks pregnant! Silly boys. Cravings! Nothing really intense or weird, but I seriously eat a cheeseburger every day. And I love to eat ice cream now and I never ate it before! Maybe once a month if that, but now I eat it at least 3-4 times a week. And I'm still eating burritos a lot, but burgers have taken over.
Anyway, I'm tired and I need to go pass out. I work in 8 hours, and then I won't have time to myself for another 12 hours. Story of my life.
Love you Aiden John <3 123 days till I see your handsome face! (funny..123. I just noticed that.)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

20 Weeks and 5 Days Pregnant!

Officially halfway there! Things have been pretty easy lately. I haven't been sick, I haven't had heart burn, I've just been comfortable. And I think I'm just now getting to the point where I actually look pregnant. But to someone who doesn't know me, I doubt they'd be able to tell. I still feel movements every now and then but no serious kicks or punches just yet. All my clothes still fit me perfectly! I have a feeling I'll be able to go through this whole pregnancy without buying maternity clothes. Awesome! My next appointment is in 3 weeks. Either at this appointment or the next one I'll have to get a shot since my blood type is O-. Mothers who have rh- blood types get this shot in case the baby has a + blood type so the mothers body doesn't attack the fetus seeing it as a foreigner. Not excited for that. I saw the dentist today. Going in, I knew my gums would probably bleed because I've heard how important good dental hygiene is and how your gums become more swollen due to the increased amount of blood in your body. But it was a LOT worse than I imagined. I haven't gone in a while (maybe a year and a half) so they really had to pick at them. And my being pregnant didn't help. It hurt SO bad! And I tasted blood for like, an hour afterwards. And my mouth was sore for a while. So I got ice cream :) But hey, this pregnancy has been a breeze for me. If dental issues are all I have to deal with than I am one lucky girl.
That's all for this week! And I got a belly shot :) There's a little something but not much! Other girls around my age that are also pregnant but further along were already huge at this point! And I'm just now barely starting to show. It kind of sucks! Never in my life have I ever wanted to gain weight so bad.

Here's ma belly :) And those are my real nails ;)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

19 Weeks and 5 Days Pregnant!

Almost halfway there!!!! So right now it's 12:04 am...technically it's Thursday. Yesterday morning I had my fourth prenatal visit, and everything looked good! My blood pressure was 90/60, which I think is a little low? But he said it was good and I was told when you're pregnant you can get high blood pressure, so it's a good thing that mine's low now. My weight is 125 pounds. Aren't I supposed to be gaining some decent weight by now? At my first appointment I weighed 126 and I was 8 weeks pregnant. My second appointment I was 12 weeks and my weight hadn't changed. Third appointment at 16 weeks I had LOST 2 pounds..I was at 124. Now at 20 weeks I've gained one pound and I'm at 125. but overall, I've lost one pound. My doctor isn't concerned. he never mentioned anything about it. And since there's no real weight in the baby now (he isn't even a pound yet), anddd since he's getting all the nutrients he needs from me, he's fine. I'm not eating junk 24/7 (I've never really had bad eating habits. I've never been a fan of sweets, I HATE soda, and water is all I ever really drank), I'm taking my prenatal vitamins (though I may miss a day every now and then. I was never good at taking pills daily, hence the reason why I'm in this position!), and I've always had a small figure. I kind of think of the baby as a parasite right now. Sounds bad, but if you think about belly has gotten bigger, my boobs have gotten bigger, and my feet have gotten bigger (I was a size 8, now I'm 8 1/2 wide. That was a slight problem when we needed shoes for my mom's wedding and the shoes we ordered didn't fit me anymore!). So where's my weight going?! Oh well, no worries :) My next appointment is June 29 when I'm 24 weeks. Time is going by SO fast now! But I'm so ready for my little boy to be here! I ordered his bedding set the other day and I'm expecting it any day now. I ordered it from amazon because 1) there's always a much wider selection online. and 2) SO much cheaper! The theme is frogs :) it's adorable! And guess what? Baby daddy and I have ACTUALLY agreed on a name! I'm not going to reveal it yet, but his initials will either be AJT or AJK. I haven't decided whose last name he's getting. We haven't decided on a middle name but we're torn between two that begin with J. One of them is his fathers and his fathers fathers middle name. The other is just one we like that has a better ring to it. So it's basically deciding whether or not we want to follow tradition or make our own path. I'll post a belly picture next week and maybe make a video since its been 2 months since I have. 142 days left <3

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blood Test Results..

So, two days after I got my blood drawn for test I got a call back and the results are excellent! She said all my levels are right where they should be. We got the tests mainly for Trisomy 18, but I think they also tested for spina bifida and Down Syndrome. Fortunately everything was perfect :) Blood tests aren't yes or no answers but they can give hints as to whether the baby MIGHT have a disorder or might NOT. So my chances of the baby having any of these is very low, and with having no other abnormalities that we saw on the ultrasound, it's pretty safe to say my son is going to be a healthy baby boy. YAY! Now we can all put this little scare behind us :)

Love you little man. Knew you'd be just fine <3

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Results From Latest Sonogram 5/23/11

Now that I got my venting out, it's time to talk about my appointment with genetics and my ultrasound. First thing we did there was talk to a genetics counseler, who got the family history on both sides of our family. She talked about the choroid plexus cyst and gave me my options and her professional opinion of what I should do. To sum it up, I was there to get an ultrasound to look for any other markers for trisomy 18, but I could also get blood tests done to look for other markers or get an amnio to get a straight yes or no answer. But with amnio right now, the risk of miscarriage is much higher than the risk of having trisomy 18 with a completely clear ultrasound. So I decided to get the blood work done and if that is clear, I'll put this all behind me. The ultrasound was nice and long :) got to see my boy for a while. The difference between this ultrasound and the one I had 4 days earlier was this one was more in depth and the technician/doctor actually explained to us all what she was looking at and whether it looked normal or not. Thank god, everything was normal. The ultrasound may have been slightly clearer but not a big difference. I got four more pictures but they were all profile and I got better profile pictures at the first ultrasound. My favorite parts were when we all got to see him doing cool things, like swallowing! I'm not so sure we'd be able to see that on the other ultrasound, but it was VERY clear and SUPER adorable to watch that! Not only that, he gave us all a very clear thumbs up! As if he was telling us all he's okay and there's no need to worry :) What I thought was weird was his position..his feet were completely above his head! That sounds very uncomfortable to me but he seemed to like it!
So anyway, after the ultrasound I got my blood drawn. Took 30 seconds and I should get the results back any day now. I've always been a champ with needles ;) in fact, after I give birth I'm going to give blood. My blood type is O-, the universal donor. Now here's a lesson for those of you who are confused or don't know about this. Some people I know seem to think O+ is the universal donor. BUT. Rh+ people cannot donate to rh- people. A can't donate to B or O, B can't donate to A or O. AB+ is the universal recipient since it has the A antigen, B antigen, and is rh+. You can't put something in someones body that isn't already there or the body will see it as a foreigner and attack it. So for me the good news is I can donate because my blood is very valuable. Bad news is the ONLY blood I can receive is my own blood type, which is somewhat rare. I can't get A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, or O+. To anyone who has O-, DONATE!!!!!!

Baby Naming DRAMA!

Times like these I wish I was having a girl. My boyfriend and I had a name picked out for a girl that we BOTH liked. Unfortunately it's not a girl, and we can't agree on a boy name. In the beginning when we first discussed names, when I asked my boyfriend what he would want to name his son or daughter, he said his son after his dad, or his daughter what his parents would have named him if he were a girl. No thought to it whatsoever. And I personally didn't like either name. Then at some point I'm not aware of, we agreed that I would choose the girl name and he would choose the boy name. Without coming to an agreement he told his dad if we had a boy we'd name it after him, and he got really excited. Now that pissed me off, because I never agreed to it and when I told him I didn't want to name my son after his dad, I knew they'd both be disappointed. I couldn't be more right. Now, no name is good enough. He only likes that one name. He can't agree on anything with me. Now tell me if I'm wrong, but it's OUR son right? We should BOTH be agreeing on what to name him. If his dad is getting disappointed because we aren't naming our son after him, why didn't he name HIS son after him? After all, this isn't his kid. So now baby daddy and I are arguing nonstop about it. When it comes down to it, when the baby is born I'll be the one that chooses the name to go on the birth certificate and I even get to choose whose last name he gets since the father and I are not married. So once again tell me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be easier if he just helped me pick out a name we BOTH like? If not, I'll pick the name myself and maybe even give him my last name. I'm done venting now.

Monday, May 23, 2011

First Blog! 18 Weeks Pregnant

Today I am 18 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Things have been going smoothly for me but I'm not liking my vitamins...they make me feel sick! I just have to let it pass and move on. It sucks. I found out the sex on thursday! I had my second ultrasound at 17 weeks 5 days, and the baby cooperated :) I think we were slightly lucky though because the legs were crossed at the ankles..but we still got to peek inside those legs! I don't understand why I had to drink 16 oz. of water an hour before my appointment..all it made me do was need to pee really bad. and midway through the ultrasound the technician told me to empty my bladder so we could continue! Oh well though. She didn't point out that anything looked unusual. The baby was wiggling around, the heartbeat was good, ten fingers, ten toes, saw the brain, stomach, other organs. All looked good. However, the next day I got a call from my doctor after he received the pictures and he told me my baby had a choroid plexus cyst in the brain. He was very reassuring, saying in his 21 years of working there he has never seen this cyst as a sign of anything more serious, but it could be trisomy 18. He suggested I see genetics to get counseling and a follow up ultrasound. Although he emphasized very strongly that it was most likely nothing and he was just obligated to let me know and give me my options, of course I worried. Today I'm going to that appointment. I'm not as worried anymore..more just excited that I'll get to see my baby again!! Here are some sites I found that'll go more in-depth explaining choroid plexus cysts:  (This is actually the hospital my doctor is at and where I'm giving birth!)

I'm still very nervous. Hoping no other abnormalities are found. For the record, at my first doctors visit we determined my EDD was October 22. My first ultrasound showed the baby measuring 3 days behind, but my doctor didnt change the due date. And on this ultrasound, the baby was measuring 5 days ahead! The baby is growing at an excellent pace, not stunted at all. THANK GOD. If anyone reading this has had a baby with a choroid plexus cyst, or recently found out their baby has one, I'm sure I'll be able to answer any questions :)

That's all for today, might do something later after my appointment with genetics. But for now, here is my beautiful little's a BOY!!

Profile at 17 weeks 5 days

Whole Body!

Little tootsies :) slightly crossed at the ankles.

This was how little he was just 10 weeks ago. He's grown so much!